Friday, September 3, 2021

Back to school


We have been 'Super Heroes' learning from home and keeping safe in our family bubbles.

Here is our Super Hero Art!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Learning Through Play

 Fun in our Lockdown Bubbles.

Te Kakano students are having lots of fun learning experiences in their whanau bubbles. 

Roimata and Shaan - P.E. ON THE BEACH!
Chasing Koro's truck.

Construction - Science

Science - Living World
Look at what Mila is planting.
The seedlings will be put under a Grow Light.
We can't wait to see the growth progress.

Cup cakes made by chef Shelby!
Food Technology!

Super-duper writing and illustrations!

Erecting a tent - Great mahi Shelby!
Education outside the classroom -E.0.T.C.

Yummy pancakes Shelby!

Lego City - great team work Alex, Julia and J.J. Design and Construction!
                                            Thanks for this great description Julia.

Farmer Brax working in the rain.
Check out that smile!

Tairua is very happy helping his Mama and Papa on their farm!

Tairua is helping with the fencing.

Sophie's creative play with her 'My Little Pony' toys.

Ahinui is doing his daily excercise!

Ahi and his papa are making delicious pizza!

Viva is helping her brother Preet make an electrical circuit.
They used batteries and wires to make a fan go around
and a lightbulb light up. How cool is this!

This poem is a tribute to all of the wonderful Te Kakano whanau.

My Family

When I was just a little child,

I began to see

I had a special family

Who is always there for me.

A family that stands by you

No matter what you’ve done;

Who picks you up and dries your tears

And points you to the sun.

A family that laughs with you

And helps you see the good.

A family that will love you

More than you thought they could.

Since I was just a little child,

I’ve been so very blessed

To have a special family.

You simply are the best!

[Author unknown]