Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Term 4 Week 8

Where did our ancestors come from and how did they journey to Aotearoa?

We created waka and tall ships to help tell the history of the early explorers who came to New Zealand.

The first people were Maori. They came on the waka. Maori people used to navigate with the stars and the moon and the sun. Captain James Cook went on a tall ship. He had a crew of 94 boys.    Riley

The Maori people were the first people on Aotearoa. Waka are big and strong. The Maori people used stars to navigate their waka.
Captain James Cook came to New Zealand. Joseph

The Maori people got here first and the Maori people went on the island of New Zealand and found flax, fish, birds and forests. The Maori people went back home and they hopped off. The stars helped them get home. The Endeavour is the tall ship. Then Captain James Cook saw an island then he got onto the island. He drew a map of the North Island.   Lloyd

The first people that traveled in a waka were the Maoris.
Sophia J. 

The Maori waka came to New Zealand a long time ago. When the Maori people were sailing they saw the flax and fish. The Endeavour came to New Zealand to find the land.     Connor 

The first Maori people came to New Zealand and they saw moa. 
My ancestors used to navigate using the stars, moon, sun and birds.
Captain James Cook sailed to New Zealand on a tall ship called the Endeavour.    Toby

The brown waka came to Aotearoa a long time ago. The Maori people were the first on New Zealand. They used some stars to travel. Captain James Cook came to New Zealand. He died a long time ago. Carter
The very first people to come in the waka were the Maoris. Maori people used birds to find land and build their homes. Captain James Cook lived a long time ago. He was a sailor on a tall ship. Levi                
The Maori people came a long way in their waka to get to New Zealand.    Arlen

Captain James Cook sailed a tall ship called the Endeavour. Jayden

The waka came to New Zealand in 1250. There was flax, fish, birds and lots of big forests. Maori had to live off the land. There were big birds called moa.
The Maori people went to the island and they came to their new home Aotearoa. They used some stars they saw on their way.
A long time ago there was a captain and his name was Captain James Cook. He was the boss and he went to New Zealand and he ate porridge when he was sailing.  Preet                

The Maori people used the stars and the moon to go home to New Zealand. The Endeavour sailed to New Zealand. The captain was called James Cook. Bostin

The Maori people’s ancestors came to New Zealand in a waka. Maori people followed the stars like their ancestors. Captain James Cook steered the boat to a new land. Cameron 

The first people that traveled in a waka were the Maori. Sophia E. 

Maori people came on a waka. They ate fish. Captain James Cook came to New Zealand. Thomas

Captain James Cook had a tall ship called the Endeavour. Grayson

The Maori people were sailing to New Zealand on a waka. Maori people followed the stars to find another island.
Captain Cook had a crew of 94 people on his tall ship. Miya

Maori followed the stars. Captain James Cook was the boss of the Endeavour and he came to New Zealand a long time ago. Tauhe 

Maori people came to Aotearoa on a waka. It took a long time. The Maori people used stars to navigate to Aotearoa. Captain James Cook had a tall ship. The ship had sails and cannons. Te Reinga
We hope you enjoyed our writing!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Term 4 Week 6

The Great Waka/Tall Ship Sail-off 2019

Our waka and tall ships were created at home with whanau  as part of our inquiry topic, which focused on where our ancestors came from and how they journeyed to New Zealand. WOW!! We were so impressed with the creativity and originality of the designs and models. Plans were drawn up and we learned a lot about design, flotation, materials and repair. Each one was unique and the students were so proud of their vessels which were tested in the school pool. 

Thank you whanau for your fantastic support with this project!!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Term 4 Week 3 - 5

Te Kakano are learning about measurement. It is very much about understanding the language of measurement and comparison. The students measured a variety of objects using non-standard measuring tools such as unifix cubes, blocks, string, hands and feet. It has been a lot of fun as the following photos demonstrate.
Whaea Jac, a 3rd Year student teacher has the students engaged and thinking about height.
Here we are in groups sorting ourselves from shortest to tallest.

How tall is a moa?

How long?

Sharing and discussing

How long? How wide?

We learn, create and share!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Term 4 Week 1

Welcome to our seven new students, Te Reinga, Sophia Everest, Miya Zaw-Kooss, Cameron Ellis, Thomas and Grayson Neho and Jayden Pivac and their families. Thank you for choosing to come to Paparore School.
. . . and here's the whole class!
A highlight of the week was our play dough making. After investigating the ingredients we worked in pairs to create our favourite colours of 'sparkle dough.' It felt warm and squishy as we kneaded the dough into smooth balls. We kept some for classroom learning and got to take some home to keep at the end of the day. We also wrote about this fun experience.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Bostin's Perfect Puppies

Bostin brought five beautiful puppies into our classroom.

Our brainstorm before writing. The yellow words are 'WOW' words that describe the puppies.

Wonderful puppy writing!

Bostin's puppies are cute and there are five puppies.    Carter

Bostin's puppies are fluffy and the puppies licked my hand. They are beautiful!    Ava

The puppy got out. Connor got it.    Arlen

I like Bostin's puppies because they lick people. The puppies are cute too.    Tyson

Bostin's puppies are cute. I cuddled two puppies.    Levi

The puppies licked my face and one ran away. I patted one.    Lloyd

I love the puppies and I cuddle them and one licked me.    Jo-Jo

Bostin's puppies came to school. I held one and it nipped my hand. Five puppies licked the boys and girls and one got away!    Preet

I like the puppies because they are cute.    Tauhe 

Bostin's puppies are cute and they licked my hand.    Riley

I held the puppies and they licked me on the face. They are seven weeks old.    Connor

I liked the puppies because they licked my hand. They ran away!    Dwayne

Bostin's puppies are cute and they drink their mother's milk.    Toby

I love the puppies!    Bostin

Friday, August 23, 2019

Term 3 Week 5

Amazing African Animal Art

We have had learned lots about African animals from making observations and gathering information from pictures, books and youtube videos. Te Kakano students are becoming more observant and notice detail. They have also asked some great questions which have led to further investigation. 

We have been learning to notice and describe patterns in our environment. Some curious students noticed that many African animals have patterns on their skin and birds have feather patterns. We are also learning about symmetry which has helped us when creating art works of animals.
We applied symmetry and patterning with colour to make these lions and ostriches.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Term 3 Week 4

Kylan's Lamb

Last week Kylan bought his two week old lamb to school. Kylan is in Te Pihi class but they kindly shared this fun learning time with us. Lunar the lamb followed Kylan everywhere. Kylan bleated and Lunar came. Kylan ran and and Lunar ran behind. We have been learning about caring for animals and we noticed how well Kylan cared for Lunar.

Thank you Mrs Bainbrige and Kylan for bringing Lunar to visit. 

Monday, August 12, 2019

Term 3 Week 3

Balloon Fun.

This week we were very lucky to get about 80 balloons given to us. We looked at photos of the balloons in my little car. We used our eyes and our brains to think about:
  • why the balloons were in the car?
  • why all the balloons were pink?
  • where could Mrs Dane have got them from?
After going for a walk and noticing that the balloons were no longer in the car we continued walking around the school to discover just where they could be. Of course we had to do some serious thinking about where so many balloons could be without people noticing them, and also the places that Mrs Dane would NOT have put them. After finding them in our school Whare this is what happened!

Did you like watching this video? We like sharing some of our school experiences with you and would love to know what you think so drop us a wee comment.

Until next time . . .

Term 3 Week 2

     Can you use our clues to guess the animal? 

How did you do? Could you guess the different animals from our clues?