Friday, March 1, 2019

Term 1 Week 5

Who got caught being a kind friend and sharing the toys?
Nooroa the Kind Cowboy and Preet the Sharing Prince!
We were reading 'The Pirate who said Please' by Timothy Knapman about a boy who learnt to be polite and use his manners. Te Kakano students who used their manners got to wear pirate dress-ups. Before I could say "shiver me timbers" we had students making treasure maps, building pirate ships and making eye patches. We read more pirate books, talked all piratey, researched what real pirate ships looked like, and, what pirates wore. We also discovered that there were lady pirates! A pirate ship appeared [thank ye me hearty Sharlene Grbic for climbing aboard and helping the Te Kakano crew with this]. 


The students named the good ship 'The Polly' after reading about Pirate Polly. The name changed to the Polly Roger  when we read another story with a ship called the 'Jolly Roger'. One of the children noticed that Jolly and Polly rhymed and said that our pirate ship could be the'Polly Roger'. The Polly Roger still sails across the deep blue sea on a mission to find treasure. The treasure is shared fairly of course and the pirates always use their manners. 

We joined Te Pihi Pirates in a Pirate Dress-Up Day, We went on a treasure hunt, talked all piratey, walked the plank into the school pool and had lots of FUN!
"Yo ho ho ye landlubbers."


  1. What fun Te Kakano! Lovely rhyming, the Polly Roger is a great name.

  2. Wow! I love the photo's of you all having fun :) Har har to the scurvy dogs!

  3. Oh how cute!
    You all look like great little pirates having so much fun :)

  4. hi te kakno i loed your costumes

  5. Good work te kakano loved what you did

  6. I'm impressed of what you did with your pirate outfits they look awesome

  7. Wow Te Kakano, what super pirates you are! I love your pirate ship, how special to have one appear in class. May I come aboard Te Kakano?

  8. wow your costumes look snazzy and cute what a great video rrrr me hiytee....

  9. wow I can't belive that you did that

  10. Hello Te Kakano what a great start love it .
