Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Learning in the school pool

 What do we learn in the pool?

Changed, caps on and off we go!

Correct entry using the steps

We learning swimming skills through playing games

Ring-a-ring-a-rosie  . . .

. . . we all fall down!

Heads under and blowing bubbles

Learning swimming skills with the flutter boards.

Straight arms and kicking across the pool

Feet off the ground and away we go!

Well done everyone! 

Becoming confident to float on our backs with the
help of a board 

Look at me!!

We keep trying and don't give up.
We will be able to do it soon.

We hope you liked seeing what we are learning in the pool.
If you did then please leave a comment.


  1. Wow so cool guy's that's a good teaching teacher you got there (= (=

  2. That is some amazing swimming skills :)
