Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Bug Man

 A visit from 'The Bug Man' [Ruud Kleinpaste]

Paparore school was extremely privileged to have Ruud visit us and share some of his knowledge about a variety of creepy crawlies, some of which he brought along for us to meet. He is considered an expert on biodiversity and environmental education and Te Kakano were very lucky to enjoy two sessions with him. We [teacher included] loved meeting Dorothy the weta up close as well as some other insects. It was very relevant learning which integrated well into our inquiry learning about insects. 

                                    Where is the spider?

If we wanted to, we got to meet a big black vagrant spider, a tunnel-web spider and a tiny jumping spider. 
Meet Dorothy the weta!

A stinky, farty beetle with really strong jaws!

We love learning about insects and are becoming little experts on caterpillars and butterflies. Most of the students in Te Kakano care about insects and are learning that each one has a special part to play in our environment. We are looking forward to growing swan plants and creating a 'Butterfly Garden' so please keep visiting our class blog to see the developments.
Ka kite ano!


  1. That looked like a really awesome time and I am super jealous that you could hold the vagrant spider! Was it hairy?

  2. Looks like you guys had a great time with The bug man. You guy a so brave for holding that spider. Was it scary holding the spider?
