Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 2024

Growth Mindset

We have been learning that the way we think helps us to learn or it doesn't help us learn.

In the book "The Pout-Pout Fish Goes to School," Mr. Fish is nervous about starting school because he doesn’t know how to do the things the other fish are doing. He feels like he’s not good at anything, and this makes him sad. But then, his teacher helps him understand that it’s okay not to know everything right away. School is a place to learn, and with time and practice, he can get better at anything!

This story shows us something called a “growth mindset.” A growth mindset is when we believe that even if we can’t do something yet, we can learn how to do it by trying, practicing, and not giving up.

So, just like Mr. Fish learned how to write his name and do other things at school by practicing, we can learn new things too. It’s okay to make mistakes because that’s how we learn and get better. Keep trying, and remember, you can always grow your brain by learning new things!

Matariki celebrations.

We learned about the Matariki stars and the importance of their return in June. We read lots of stories including some Maori legends, wrote stories and created artworks. The best part was celebrating Matariki with a festival. Lots of other schools from the Aupori peninsular and our whanau joined us here at Paparore School. Each school performed waiata and Kapa haka. They were all so talented. Kaumatua and kuia spoke and we learned some more about the history of Paparore School.

Te Kakano students' Matariki art.


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