Friday, April 24, 2020

Term 2 Week 2, Friday 24th April 2020

Nathanael's Learning

Nathanael has shared some of the amazing writing he has been doing at home in his bubble. He often joins in our class hangouts and always brings his big smile. Nathanael you should be proud of all the excellent learning you are doing at home. Great work! Ka pai to mahi!
Read Nathanael's interesting writing about his cool-as dog Pete. 
Meet Nathanael, Sam and Pete. Sam is holding Nate's reading book that he read to us in our hangout. Fabulous reading Nathanael!

Listen to Mrs Dane reading an ANZAC story. It is called 'The Bantam and the Soldier.'


  1. Wow Nathanael, I really enjoyed reading about your dog Pete! Grace has been telling our class a lot about her horse Kenny and your kitten Marley Charlie. Marley Charlie and Sam often come to our google hangouts to see what the class is up to. I'm looking forward to seeing you next time too. Keep up the great learning from home!

  2. I really love the book 'The Bantam and the Soldier'. Thank you for sharing that story on your class blog Mrs Dane.
