Sunday, May 24, 2020

Back to school Term 2 Week 6

What has happened to Te Kakano's classroom?

Like many things at school this week our classroom was different. School started and finished earlier, we did our reading on the iPads and ate in the classroom. We were very, very good at staying in our square bubbles and completing learning activities independently. Way to go Te Kakano!! Not many of us came back to school this week and we are looking forward to the time when everyone is here again. 

Super Heroes:

  1. save the day
  2. save the world
  3. keep others from danger 
These little super heroes are keeping others safe from the Corona Virus by social distancing in the classroom and playground. Isaiah, Tahli, Nathanael and Shaylyn, you are doing a great job!
Di'Andre, Indi and Jayden know that Covid-19 is easy to catch and they have been very careful by washing their hands, sanitizing when they enter and leave the classroom, and not getting too close to others. They are super duper SUPER HEROES!!

We also had to have Friday certificate assembly in our classrooms.

25 Nights of Reading for Jayden and 25 Nights of Writing for Isaiah

Indi and Nathanael - 50 and 75 Nights of Reading
Di'Andre and Isaiah - 50 Nights of Reading

Values award for Excellence/Hiranga goes to Tahli. Tino pai!
Chocolates for values tokens! You all deserve them! Ka pai to mahi!

Our wonderful Caught Being Good students, Indi and Nathanael. Super Hero Kids!!
So while life continues to be different for a little longer, we will continue to take up the challenge of being 'super heroes' keeping ourselves and others safe. Ka kite ano, take care, be safe and be kind!

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