Friday, May 29, 2020

Term 2 Week 7 2020

Thank you Nana Ngaire!

This week all of the students and teachers received a lovely big Easter Egg surprise. This card created jointly with Te Pihi students sums up how we feel about one of our fabulous, caring grandmothers and her whanau.

On Friday we had a whole school assembly via Google Hangout.  We went into Te Pihi and used their smart board. We said our School Vision statement together. We could see and hear Sir giving out the certificates it was really cool. 

This week's class certificate winners are Indi and Nathanael who are learning stars.
 Halo received the Values Award for Integrity/Ngakau.
Halo and Levi from Te Pihi. Well Done to you both!
 Isaiah has done 75 nights of home reading. Woo hoo!!
The tickets for the Monster Raffle Draw were drawn during our assembly. Halo from Te Kakano had the winning ticket. Congratulations to Halo, her big sister Khloe and their whanau. We are very happy for you!  


  1. Wow those spiders look so scary.Keep up the amazing work.

  2. Good job getting 75 of reading/writing.Keep up the great mahi!
