Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Term 4 Week 8 - Santa is stuck in my chimney...

 If Santa was stuck in my chimney, I would...


  1. I love this writing Mrs Davan and Te Kakano class. Ka pai to mahi!

  2. This is a cool writing.This looks hard to make because of the feet and the chimney,the decorations.how did you manage to make it so animation

  3. Hello Te Kakano it's me Nico from Te Manga I really like the drawing's And I think they are really funny.

  4. Hi Te Kakano. those are some amazing ideas if Santa really does get stuck down your chimney.
    i like that Santa is upside down your chimney.

  5. Thank you everyone for you comment.

    Mila says she liked making the chimney's.
    I like my story because I said I would jump on him (Mia).
    We thought it was funny when Santa was stuck upside down (Austen).
