Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Term 4 Week 9 - Terrific Tuesday Times

 Today we had a fun filled day with lots of exciting activities.

Football Festival

First we all went outside to participate in mini football games with Te Pihi. The children were soccer stars! 

Marshmallow Snowmen

After a great run around at football, we indulged in a sugary treat. The children built their own snowmen using tasty treats. Aren't they all gorgeous?

Treats from Preet

We were very spoilt today by Preet and his whanau. Each student received a goody bag with lots of yummy treats and some bubbles. After investigating the goody bag (and of course getting very excited about the contents) we set off outside to see who can blow the biggest bubble.  
Thank you Preet and Whanau!


  1. What a cool day Te Kakano! and thank you Preet and whanau for your gifts!
